Wednesday 8 April 2009

Thoughts on RSS Feeds

I initially came across RSS feeds when I started my PhD in 2007. I spoke to someone who was studying the internet and social network sites and depended on them to track what was happening. I tried them then and still have a lot set up on various sites I have interest in.

In relation to H807 I have set up a RSS for H807 student blogs. It is s useful way to find out what people on the course have on their blogs, the RSS updates my main page each time I log on so I don’t have to go and search for the latest updates.

As noted RSS is a great time saving tool. They way I have them arranged depends on what I want to do and how ‘keen’ I am to follow something. I have some coming through to my email box and some via an on-stream location (blogs and wikis). It does take a while (well at least for me it does) to get used to the format of some of the feed screens but that is okay

I find the largest drawback is it is tempting at first to sign up to so many, then when you go into your site or email feed there is actually too much information. It needs organising at least at first as many sites quote and feed from each other, so this takes time. You need to know where the bulk of the information is coming from.

Feeds that go direct to my email folders I find I don’t read if there are too many. I think therefore it does take time to get to know what ones own limits are and then set the Feed to send out the right amount of information. Too much and it becomes too overwhelming and I end up just deleting the lot as to thing I have 100s of unread news feeds it a bit much for a lunch time.

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