Wednesday 8 April 2009

Information, explanations and web resources on Mashups

What is a ‘mashup’?
A mashup is what it says really, it is the putting together of two or more parts (data sources) of websites that have useful connections. So for example the jobs section of the Uni website could be mixed with the local map to show the locality of where the local jobs are situated for part time students. So what you see is a map with text boxes on it with the job information.

What can it be used for?
This is a really creative tool I think. I can see uses for it in a number of ways, not just maps. It could be used in creative imagery, music, management of customer services.

On reading Lamb, B, (2007) I agreed with him about the sensitivity around plagiarism in a way. While within our academic culture this is a difficult area especially for foreign students not used to our style of teaching and learning we are very protective of things we create and write about, yet he is right that included in this is a tradition of building on the area of work (acknowledgement is the key here I guess). But I also saw a lot of scope for a lot of joined up thinking with this, some good and some a waste of time. Still I thought it was a good paper, easy to follow and gave good background reading on an area I had never heard of until this week. And today (08/04/09) on the Today programme (BBC radio 4), Evan Davies talked about Mashups, I don’t think I would have noticed had I note been reading this!

Useful websites (all downloaded on 6th April 2009)
Exeter College

Youtube - What are Mash-ups

How to make your own Mashups

Youtube Intro to QEDWiki

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