Wednesday 8 April 2009

Skype - I think one of those simple tools

I am a regular Skype user. It is free to use and cost little to buy the camera (that has a microphone in it), it is convenient if I am on the computer and it does allow me to speak to people regularly who I would otherwise not do so as it would cost too much. I have Skyped into meeting as I have not been able to attend, and while this may not be ideal it does allow me to have some presence. The text type tool is useful (if one is a fast typist) to make notes or touch talk to people who have hearing difficulties

I think for distance learners it does have advantages to stay in touch with others but I think initially some type of structure would help those bonds form else it may feel like cold calling. It is not good for dispersed groups, as far as I know only sound can be heard but no picture. If one has the connection it could be used by students on fieldwork to remain in contact with their tutors and each other (archaeology students at different digs is just one of many examples I can think of here).

I think it is a useful tool – I did not know about the security issue. So I guess this is a reason to turn it off and not leave it run all day..!

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