Wednesday 1 April 2009

Reflection on communication technology

A few questions posed ....

Are such technologies finding new ways of conducting behaviours that were already in operation, or are they promoting new types of behaviour?
New ways of conducting behaviours that were already in operation, for me the one thing that jumps to mind is the mobile phone. We already used phones, but being mobile brought new expectations and at a younger age. It also made us become more slave like to each other and also towards our employer. Following on from this is the Blackberry, now we not only need to be connected to other people by phone, we are expected to pick up email, look at documents etc way beyond the working day. The working day has become extended. Holidays have become shorter. Our working insecurities are seen through the use of technology and in some way and our vanity has been boosted (wrongly) to think we are indispensable.

Are the technologies used uniformly, or do different communities use the same technology in different ways?
Yes, I think different people use technologies differently – young people are attached to their mobile phones, i-players etc as if they can’t live without them…. Older people don’t need to be so connected in the same way. Economic circumstances also come into play

Are internet technologies different in any respects from other technologies?
Yes, and No. They are the same as they are adapting and changing, they are about knowledge and communication. Increasingly it can be accessed on lots of IT equipment, so no longer does one need a computer, a phone will do it now….

No they are not different as they are about communication and connection

Can you think of an example when a technology has changed your behaviour?
Yes, the mobile phone has changed my expectations. The internet has changed the way I shop. All these technologies have changed my expectations and my working life.

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