Monday 30 March 2009

Affordances and technology - a few starting thoughts

Affordances - not sure if I understand this fully really.... Is it the act or the outcome that is the affordance??

Anyway the task -
Consider the now commonplace communication technologies of email and blogs, which you encountered earlier. Suggest the affordances found in each technology. Think about how the affordances influence the type of communication you engage in when using the technology.

How does the technology itself shape that communication?
Email – I think the expectation of communication is faster due to email so the shape is faster in terms of what we ask. I also think it has become more chatty and business like and less descriptive, also perhaps less ‘romantic’. For the most part it is also less formal though can be sometimes formal as it is a legally recognised format for communication. As an everyday communication tool it has become as essential today as the Victorian postcard was….. Though on a bigger scale.

Affordances would be I think – expectation, informality and speed and ultimately communication I guess

Blogs – I am not a great fan of blogs both as a form of diary and also as a form of opinion. Diary because I am not a diarist and opinion as I don’t think people really what my opinion on things really. I am not a great one to read the screen of computers as a form of news so that too is not for me…. So what affordances are there for Blogs? I am not sure… I will have to read others opinions on that…..

Affordance - ? Writing, I am not sure it is a prime communication tool as much of what is written is not for disucssion?? Or maybe it is and I have never felt up to discussing

What are the technologies good at?
There is no doubt good for almost instant communication Email, therefore one can feel connected. It shrinks space and to some degree time

When are they a poor medium for communication?
When they don’t work… also when not enough thought has gone into what is written (as they are instant, like potnoodle). They are not personal nor secure, they can be forwarded on unknowingly and then taken out of context. They can also be tagged onto things in many ways and confidential information becomes public.

Was the concept of affordances useful when thinking about the technology?
I am not sure… I am not sure I know and understand what this concept means so may revisit this when others have written their thoughts….

Do you find your behaviour shaped significantly by the affordances of the technology?
– speed and instant communication – if this is what it is then yes, I do think this. It is as it says on the tin, instant, and as a result people become impatient when replies are not themselves instant. Also I think people will fire off a number of emails and copy others in when not necessary as a result of it’s ease. This may not be necessary and also be annoying for those who receive a number…..

Were there other explanations for any behavioural influences?
In relation to email, only our general lack of life impatience and expectation within social life. We not only expect things to be easy but we also expect things to be instant.

When you next encounter a technology in this course you can return to the notion of affordances.
Not sure… will have to see

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